Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm Glad that I Made It!

This title for this blog was inspired by a song title. Many times I have come through a crazy situation and then expressed myself by blaring Brooklyn Tab singing it as loud as my speakers and the Dean of Women would allow! I currently do not have a the song on my MP3, but if I did I would dance around the hotel with it at a volume higher than the recommended decibels. It has not, by any means, been a bad day. I have simply conquered the unknown and navigated through many unforeseen occurrences. Bet you're ready to hear (read) the story, huh?

Well, to inform the uninformed. After my last post I received two job offers. First, Sears Portrait Studio in the mall. Second, a nanny position that involved a summer relocation to Michigan. The benefits of this opportunity far out way the slight inconvenience of being on call 24/7. I accepted the latter offer. One of the perks is traveling. As it stands now I will spend most of my summer (what is left of it) traveling all over the country. One of my charges is a GOOD tennis player. She is ten and ranks 2nd in the Midwest, for her age bracket and like 19th in the nation. The tournament are everywhere and so I travel along to keep the younger charge occupied and the mother organized. Charge number two has ADD and then some :) She is seven. By the end of today I engaged her in a ten minute "quiet time" some I would have half a chance to catch my breath! She is a blast to hang out with and whether or not the munchkin would admit it, I know she has fun, too. I am rejoicing in the end of today because it was my first official full day. I have babysat for a couple hours for the past few weeks and helped as much as I was asked, but today was the day. I drove all the way to Kalamazoo, MI with a GPS system for the first time (Ever tried it? After I got the hang of it, it was great, but at first...I preferred Mapquest and a printer!), entertained a very hyper seven year old for hours without a TV, and gave several firm commands to our two canine traveling companions, Cutie Pie and Honey Bunnie! Over all, it has been a very fulfilling day.

Change of subject: "Peace that passeth all understanding." Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on a situation and realized throughout the whole ordeal you weren't worried? For the first time, probably in my life, I have been able to rest in God and just realized it. I don't know how to explain it, hence the "peace that passeth all understanding," but I know when it started and I know why. I know that I haven't conquered everything in my Christian walk, but this one thing I know "my Redeemer is faithful and true."

Ok, I think I am done.


Martha C said...

Whew, Kim, you're wearing me out! Sounds like you are preparing for motherhood. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for the last paragraph!!!!! So glad to read your update. And thanks for the e-card!! You absolutely warmed my heart. I think of you and pray for you often. Hopefully we can chat soon. Love you!

Sara Teter said...

Wow! Sounds like you've been busy! It took me a little bit to figure out who "Jo" was but after reading your blog(s)I figured it out. lol! How are you doing? How goes college. Congrats on being able to do 2 BA's in 5 yrs. That's awesome! Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. I'm glad to know that someone is reading it!

Kimberly said...

Martha-Lord willing motherhood is a little further away. I am sure it is a blessing, but I am completely content (for now)!

Ms. V-nice chatting with you the other day. Sorry about hanging up so abruptly. I definitely need to finish telling you "somethings!" lol

Sara-I was glad that I found your blog. I think someone told me you were expecting, but I must have forgotten so it was nice to be reminded. Also, I must correct my error...I will recieve two BA's in six years. Still not bad, but definitely not 5.