Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Update Part Two

Meet Morris the Taurus. lol
One of my main goals this summer was to buy a car. I have been without transportation for the better half of two years. This has become a great trial so I set out to remedy it.
I began shopping a few weeks ago and found this great car. I loved it, shopping for it, that is. My favorite part was negogiating with the car's salesman. He thought he was going to give me a run for my money, but I had done my homework and made him work hard to GET my money! As of last Saturday I am the proud manager of a 2007 Ford Taurus. What!? A family car, you may ask. Hey, it's a car. I am not going to get picky. When it came right down to it I just wanted a car that started when I turned the key and was reliable enough to get me from point A to B.


Anonymous said...

Wow! When you blog, you do it up right. =) Congrats on the car. I'm extremely happy for you. Way to wheel and deal. I'm also excessively impressed with the fortune cookie idea. Not sure I would have the patience, but how cool! Lastly, thanks for your thoughts on VBS. I echo your desire for God to help me look beneath the surface of people's lives. Very convicting stuff.

See you soon. *more evil laughter*

Sara Teter said...

Just wanted you to know that i love to read your blog! Congrats on the car. I really appreciate your thoughts on the VBS kids. I have a hard time seeing past the behavior lately and it drives me bonkers. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim! Thanks for the comment you left. It was so good to hear from you. I hope that things are going well for you. Yes, please do keep in touch. And I hope that you have a wonderful final year at GBS. Love ya, Maria

BTW. . . nice car! That is so exciting. I'm so happy for you.