Saturday, October 20, 2007

Worthy of More

First, let me just say that I will never cease to be amazed at the fact that God is so good. The past few weeks have been somewhat tremulous, but He has made Himself so close to me. The peace that has He has granted leaves me to stand in awe. Several times this past week God has calmed my fears or sent someone to encourage me. I guess I shouldn't be so amazed that God keeps His word and takes care of His own, but I am.
I learned a new song last weekend called "You Are Worthy of More." It has been on my mind all week so I am going to share it with you.

You Are Worthy of More
You ordered every planet into place.
Then came and washed my soul in Heaven's Grace.
And I will never understand all the kindness of Your Hand,
but I know I owe You all I am

You are worthy of more than I could ever offer.
I am kneeling before Your Holiness, dear Father.
And even as I lay my all at Your feet, oh Lord,
still I know You are worthy of more.

You know my deepest heart before I pray.
You walk the path ahead of me each day.
And I will never under
stand all the kindness of Your Hand,
but I know I owe You all I am

You are worthy of more than I could ever offer.
I am kneeling before Your Holiness, dear Father.
And even as I lay my all at Your feet, oh Lord,
still I know You are worthy of more.